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Navigating Dementia Together

Our Dementia Supports Program

makes the process of living with various memory and cognitive disorders just that little bit easier for everyone.


Peace of mind starts with 2Flourish.

How can I find suitable supports?

Don't worry, you are not alone with 2Flourish!


Supporting people with dementia requires empathy, patience, and understanding. We support you and your family by creating a safe and familiar environment in your home or ours, maintaining routines, engaging in meaningful activities, and providing emotional support. These are essential ingredients for a person with dementia's well-being and quality of life.


This will help to:


✅ stay connected to your family and friends


✅ be as independent as possible


✅ take care of your health and safety


✅ meet your cultural and social needs



Our program utilises specialist trained staff who support activities and routines that provide the best approach to varying and changing behaviours and recognising the things that were most enjoyable to the person who is in the journey with dementia.


For those under 65 and who has ben assessed as eligible under the NDIS, we offer Supported Independent Living accommodation. This bridges the gap between living independently and living in a nursing home all the while delivering around the clock supports.

Faye, Marianna and Chris, at Poopytree House paunch with painting.jpg

Dementia WA

Dementia Association of Western Australia

Did you know that 2Flourish has a sister organisation? Well, that's Dementia WA. A non for profit organisation that is focused on research and improving the support and care that providers like 2Flourish can provide.


At 2Flourish, we realised that in order to do even better, we need to start to apply research methodology to our programs. This forms another element in our continuous improvement journey but importantly it allows us to critically analyse how support strategies are working. This includes as an example how our environmental strategies are playing a role in allowing supported independent living.


Our sister organisation seeks best practice outcomes, shares latest global findings and information and analyses our performance for trends and measurable outcomes.

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So what do I need?

Accessing services that meet both the needs of the person with dementia and their carer is very important. So to understand the services available and how this is funded by the NDIS is part of that journey we assist in. 


You may now have been assessed by the NDIS to qualify for an NDIS plan that offers supports related to dementia and to meet the goals established in the plan from an assessment.


Goals can include for example:

1.To live in accommodation that meets a person's needs


2.To be supported to maintain safety and independence across environments for as long as possible while maintaining informal supports


3. Maintaining health and wellbeing including but not limited to performance of daily living tasks and social and community participation


2Flourish will assist the journey often with a team of supports, such as a person's chosen Support Coordinator, Occupational Therapist and sometimes a Behaviour Support Specialist. Together we plan as a bigger group including with families and carers how to make the best possible outcomes become a reality for everyone.

What do some of our strategies look like?

Sometimes, its hard to work out who would be best to care and support for your loved ones. 


This is where we are different, with skilled staff across all areas of 2Flourish, the organisational resources are extensive with tools, use of cutting edge AI strategies combined with lived strategies and experience. Take a look at just some ways we implement strategies into our service model.

Sample Strategies from the 2Flourish Dementia Support Model

Strategy Available

Individualised Approach

When supporting clients with dementia, it's important to consider their individual needs and tailor the approach accordingly. 

Strategy Available

Maintain a familiar and structured environment

People with dementia find comfort in familiarity. We keep their environment consistent and organised, with familiar objects and routines. We minimise unnecessary changes that may confuse or distress people with dementia.

Strategy Available


Effective communication means we will identify when to adjust the communication style to meet the person's needs. A transition to use simple and concise language, speak slowly and clearly, and maintain a calm and reassuring tone are engaged. Non-verbal cues like facial expressions and body language may also be introduced to help convey messages.

Strategy Available

Promoting Independance

We support the person with dementia in maintaining their independence and autonomy for as long as possible. We look to break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and provide prompts or cues when needed. We then encourage the participation in daily activities and decision-making to maintain a sense of control.

We partner with you in your home or ours to enable you and your family to get on with what's important.


2023 story: 

Did you know blue is associated with tranquility and creativity!

As an avid sports lover,  we individualised activities in this person's home, using dementia friendly colours, active communication and  promoting hand and eye coordination skills with balloons.

Cherry Tree

Understanding Dementia

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