Registered NDIS Provider
1300 865 282 | WA
2Coordinate Portal
Welcome to your Support Coordination portal.
A place where the flexibility you want is available. In the portal as Support Coordination Client you can access the services of:
I am looking for a NDIS Service Coordinator
I am looking for a Home Care Package Coordinator
NDIS Coordinators currently available
Home Care Coordinator available
Feedback opportunity
Contact details
Invoices and payment information
Client and family participation
You can view the profile of your coordinator, their location, skills, experience and you can select whom you feel is the most appropriate coordinator to assist in your coordination, reviews and support.
Support Coordinators
As a Support Coordinator using the Portal, you have ease of access to see how many clients viewed your profile, record your hours with a client and issue any itemised invoicing directly from the app for the client, securely store activity notes and schedule meetings to sync with your calendar. You can even participate in a star rating system and aim for 5 stars
Recruitment for Support Coordinators
Interested candidates can apply online via email by submitting a CV, a brief cover letter about themselves and a contact number at : so we can call to arrange an interview.
2Flourish can create a profile for staff, with photo, skills, qualifications, experience and hourly rate of pay. A star rating can also be applied which 2Flourish will source from clients to provide feedback on how the service went.